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Nuevozen unveils Breast Cancer screening solution that enables healthcare providers to provide customized screening to their patients

December 1, 2021


Nuevozen, a California based healthcare technology company unveils Breast Cancer Screening solution. Delayed screening and diagnosis of Breast cancer reduces patients 5-year survival rate from 99% to 27%. By using Nuevozen screening application, healthcare providers will be able to provide a high quality of care and improve patient outcome.

“I am very excited to announce the unveiling of our industry leading screening solution” stated Karan Aujla, Nuevozen’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our team has worked very diligently in developing the solution by closely collaborating with our pilot customers. The Screening application has been already used by thousands of patients at our pilot customer. The solution has significantly improved productivity and quality of care at our pilot customer. I couldn’t be prouder of unveiling of our screening solution.”

Nuevozen’s screening solution has two key components, a) customizable patient in-take App that works on the web or IPAD, and b) Risk assessment algorithm that provides a 10-year and lifetime risk (LTR) of developing breast cancer based on patients medical and family history. Risk profile is calculated using clinical risk models like Gail, Tyrer-Cuzick and machine learning.

The in-take app seamlessly integrates with Radiology Information System (RIS) workflow and can capture patient’s medical and family history including genetics. Healthcare providers can customize the in-take questions and add their brand identity. Patients can input information at home or at the clinic. Based on the 10-year risk profile, physicians can decide on appropriate diagnosis and follow-ups.

The company is in the process of developing a comprehensive breast cancer diagnostic solution that leverages application of Artificial Intelligence on all available data like patient history, radiology images and demographics. Screening App is available as a cloud-based solution and healthcare providers can evaluate the solution for Free by signing up at https://nuevozen.com/sign-up/

About Nuevozen Corp.

Founded in 2018, Nuevozen Corp. is a privately held Healthcare technology company located in San Francisco Bay Area. Nuevozen’ mission is to help healthcare providers in improving quality and speed of care For more information, contact info@Nuevozen.com or visit Nuevozen.com.

Media Contact:

Nuevozen Corp.
Karan Aujla